Mental Health Blog
Advanced Counseling of Bozeman believes you are your own best healing resource — and you don’t have to do it alone.
Explore our blog for perspectives and tools to support your journey toward better mental health and lasting wellbeing. We believe in using evidence-based, heart-centered methods and trusted, effective modalities to achieve the peaceful, purposeful, and fulfilled life that you deserve.
Acquaint yourself with the work of our experienced clinicians and see if their work speaks to you.
Perfectionism and the Impacts on Mental Health
Perfection: a quality that many people strive to achieve. We all want to do our best at work school and in our personal lives.
Mental Health Articles of Interest
After the interest in my last blog entry, I have decided to continue highlighting articles of interest around mental health.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
The days are shorter, and the weather is downright cold and miserable. A lot of us struggle with feeling “meh” during the winter months into early spring, due to the lack of sunshine and fresh air.
Screen Time and Wellbeing
Unfortunately, there are downfalls to technology and screen time that are affecting our children and adolescents.
Disenfranchised Grief: What is it?
When someone close to us dies, such as a parent, sibling, or grandparent, we are often met with comfort from our social support system.
Body and Mind in Therapy
Integration. Resolution. Embodied peace. These are words to describe my desire for all clients in therapy.
Anxiety on the Rise
Over the last few years, society as a whole has experienced an ongoing pandemic, political turmoil, economic struggles and heightened tensions from overseas.
Window of Tolerance - Regulation vs. Dys-regulation
The Window of Tolerance, developed by Dan Siegel, a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, describes the best state of ‘arousal’ or stimulation in which we are able to function and thrive in everyday life.
What is Post Traumatic Growth?
Posttraumatic growth (PTG) refers to meaningful personal changes/growth after a crisis or traumatic event.
Emotional Triggers...May be the Path to AHA! Moments
There isn’t a human on this planet that has missed out on the experience of being emotionally triggered. What does that mean?
Finding Peace and Grounding Through Collectibles
I recently sat down with a gentleman in my town who is not a counselor, therapist or psychologist to ask some questions about sports memorabilia and collectibles.
Loneliness and How It Impacts Your Health
Recent studies found many adults aged 50 or older are socially isolated, or lonely, in ways that put their health at risk…
The Benefits of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the process of being in the present moment with your sensations, thoughts, emotions, and experiences…
Positivity…How Much is too Much?
We live in a culture that exemplifies being positive and looking on the bright side of any situation. This begs the questions, when does positivity turn toxic?
Good Sleep Supports Mental Health
Good sleep habits (sometimes referred to as “sleep hygiene”) can help you get a better night’s sleep…
Talking to your kids about conflict
If you have watched the news in the last few weeks, or followed news sites on the internet, you are aware of the escalating conflict in Ukraine…
Suicide Prevention for Our Loved Ones
Winter and Spring are some of the hardest times in Montana. It’s almost as if people are holding their breath, waiting, and white knuckling through the hard times, anticipating summer…
When Someone You Love Has Borderline Personality Disorder…
Managing relationships can be hard. Managing a relationship with a friend or family member with Borderline Personality Disorder can be even more difficult…