Maintaining Wellbeing in an Age of 24-Hour News and Constant Unrest

In today's world, we are constantly bombarded with news and information. Uncertainty is uncomfortable. In theory, our smartphones, TVs, and computers should help alleviate that discomfort by keeping us connected to global events 24/7. In reality, the increase in anxiety is rarely worth the immediate access to updates. While staying informed is important, the relentless exposure to distressing news can take a toll on our mental health. Our brains evolved for survival in a pre-technology era sans instant reporting. For most of human history, we had to have time to process and digest global news, and thus we are not inherently fit for constant consumption of catastrophes. Here are some ideas for healthy boundaries to maintain your wellbeing during times of digital unrest.

Limit Your News Intake

It often feels crucial to stay informed so that we retain an understanding of our changing world; however, there is a fine line between being knowledgeable and being overwhelmed. Try to designate specific days or times to check the news, and thus avoid continuous doom-scrolling. Set a daily limit and stick to it, perhaps catching up once in the morning and once in the evening. This helps you stay comfortably aware without becoming constantly consumed.

Choose Reputable Sources

With the abundance of information available, it’s easy to fall into the trap of sensationalism. Remember that breaking news often includes a financial incentive to keep your attention, just like most other media sources. Rather than succumbing to marketing tactics designed to elicit a fear response so you’ll stay tuned in, try to stick to reputable news sources that provide balanced and factual reporting. This can reduce anxiety stemming from exaggerated or misleading headlines.

Engage in Mindful Practices

Mindfulness can be a powerful tool against the stress caused by negative news. Practices such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga can help center your mind and reduce anxiety. Not to mention how it gives your brain valuable space to subconsciously process all of the complexity arising in your world. See if you can spend a few moments each day focusing on your breath or engaging in a mindful activity to maintain emotional balance.

Stay Connected with Supportive People

During times of unrest, social support is crucial. Engage with friends, family, or support groups who provide distraction from the news, neutral listening space, and offer comfort if needed. Sharing your feelings and concerns with others can help you process your emotions and feel less isolated. One thing to remain mindful of amidst seeking support is refraining from entering negative echo-chambers. While feeling understood is often a wonderful source of stability, we don’t necessarily need our negative ruminations reenforced into defeatism. If you notice yourself feeling more stressed after connecting with like-minded individuals, try to find a more neutral, or alternative group that can challenge your own paradigm with new perspectives. Even if you disagree, sometimes it might be helpful to remind yourself that solutions are not binary, and hope can be found in the gray areas.

Focus on What You Can Control

It’s easy to feel helpless when faced with global crises. Concentrate on what you can control in your immediate environment. Engage in activities that give you a sense of purpose and agency, such as volunteering, exercising, or pursuing a hobby. Getting involved in local politics can also be empowering. Local issues often provide more tangible opportunities for you to make a noticeable impact, helping to counter feelings of helplessness that may arise from national or global concerns.

Take Breaks from Screens

Constant exposure to screens can exacerbate feelings of stress and anxiety, not to mention ocular migraines and eye-strain. Take regular breaks from your devices to rest your mind. Spend time outdoors, read a book, or engage in a creative activity to refresh your mental state. In essence, touch grass.

Maintain a Routine or Two

In times of uncertainty, routines can provide a sense of normalcy and stability. Establish a daily or rotating schedule that includes a balance between work, relaxation, exercise, and socializing. Structured routine can help you navigate through stressful times with greater ease.

Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself during these challenging times. Recognize that it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and give yourself permission to take breaks and prioritize self-care. Practicing self-compassion can build resilience and improve your overall wellbeing.

In an age of 24-hour news and constant global unrest, maintaining your mental health can be challenging. By setting boundaries on news consumption, engaging in mindful practices, and seeking support, you can protect your wellbeing. Remember, it’s okay to step back and take care of yourself. Prioritizing your mental health is crucial in navigating through these turbulent times.

Hanna Knudsen, MS CMHC, PCLC 


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