Therapy for Perinatal/ Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders

Navigate the Emotional Journey of Motherhood with Compassionate Support

Serving clients in Bozeman and via telehealth across Montana

Understanding Perinatal and Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders

“Perinatal and Postpartum Mood Disorders and Anxiety Disorders” is a broad, umbrella term for a range of mental health challenges that may occur during pregnancy, or in the weeks and months after giving birth.

The experience of perinatal and postpartum mood and anxiety disorders is unique to the individual, but there are some signs and symptoms to watch out for.

Perinatal/postpartum mood and anxiety disorder symptoms can include:

  • Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness

  • Extreme mood swings, ranging from irritability to elation

  • Intense anxiety or panic attacks

  • Excessive worry or fear related to your baby's health or well-being

  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

  • Changes in appetite and sleep patterns, like insomnia or sleeping excessively

  • Intrusive thoughts, including fears of harming yourself or your baby

  • Difficulty bonding with your baby, or feeling a lack or interest or enjoyment in activities

  • Overwhelming fatigue or loss of energy

  • Social withdrawal or feelings of isolation

  • In rare occurrences, hallucinations

These experiences can be very difficult and could be contributed to by a combination of factors — hormones, psychology, and the external environment.

Experiencing any of these challenges is in no way a reflection of a woman’s capacity to be a good mother. Perinatal and postpartum mental health challenges are also common — and treatable. You are not alone.

How We Can Help

Becoming a mother is unlike anything else — an experience filled with a wide range of emotions, from joy and anticipation to anxiety, overwhelm, and even loneliness.

For some women, the time surrounding birth and after birth, may bring intense feelings that negatively impact wellbeing. This is more than just the “baby blues,” which usually resolve within 2 weeks after birth.

With the caring support of a capable therapist, the symptoms of perinatal and postpartum mood and anxiety disorders can diminish and fade — restoring your capacity, confidence, and sense of self as you transition into this new identity and new chapter in life.

Advanced Counseling Bozeman specializes in trauma-informed therapy for new and expecting mothers.

We understand the unique challenges that you may be experiencing and meet you exactly where you are — with safe, loving compassion and zero judgment — to help you find your own path forward toward healing and wholeness.